RP gathering!

Went back to RP today at 4pm to gather with ex-classmates and friends. Some facilitator still remember me and thus they asked me where am I working now, of course, I like to be frank and so I told them about my workplace, Restroom Association. To my amazement, some of them really know who we are and what we do. Not by seeing or listening to the names, but they truly know about us!

So ok... Took alot alot alot alot of pictures. Kinda miss RP life too. Will show u guys the pictures soon ok. Hahaha.

Today I freaking lao sai (diarrhoea) for more than 5 times. Dunno what thing I eat. Really lao until jia lat sia.

My workplace.. Kinda stress now liao. Trying to take it as easy as possible.

Throat pain now... Jia lat, another sickness coming..

tata all.


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