Kup all the way...
Yes, the Thai people end all their sentence with a "kup". Was very curious with their kup and thus I did the kup too. Hahaha... A bunch of very nice Thai delegates from Ministry of Environment came to Singapore to see and find out why is our environment clean. They are super curious about our sewage and education system and thus they ask alot of questions.

Anticipating for Monday to come because I will see someone special. Haha, cant wait, serious. Hopefully I can control myself during Monday. LOL. SHIT, CAMERA NEVER BRING BACK HOME. darn!
Take care peeps.
They are so curious on where our shit and urine goes to. They thought we are still the old singapore where the pee and poo actually goes to the river but in fact, our pee and poo will reach a system/place where it is all stored and destroyed (the one located beside Kranji Station).
Quite sad that they are leaving but I am sure we gonna see each other again soon. Hahaha, took a group picture with them. Seriously, thai people are super nice and friendly.
Meet up with my team of volunteer 2 weeks ago. I am planning for something which I hope I can succeed. I am abit stress because I am doing alot of things now. 4 man's job... See the pic below. My bunch of volunteers.
Anticipating for Monday to come because I will see someone special. Haha, cant wait, serious. Hopefully I can control myself during Monday. LOL. SHIT, CAMERA NEVER BRING BACK HOME. darn!
Take care peeps.