Flooded again..

Not just my brain is flooded with images of the special, but work wise is also super blardy flooded. So far I am taking it easy and trying my best not to think about the workload I have now because once you think about it, you will start to complain, and when you start to complain, you will compare, and once compare, you will have the bad mindset of quitting the job. Hahaha, trying not to get into that kind of thinking.

Talked to my president for 3 hours today and she is indeed truly nice. At first I thought she might be some monster, having a firm stand in her mindset but after the 3 hours talk, I just find that her position of been a president is hard. She is right in one thing. She say:"Been a leader is hard, especially when you need to lead a bunch of people and in order to convince them that you can lead, you must first prove to them by doing the things you want them to do." How true it is... Many people in life would want to lead and be the leader but just how many can really seriously lead well?

Most of the time we complain that this boss or manager is not good, but how many times did we really look at ourselves and reflect what we did are really right? It is damm contradicting. I still love my job so far, although the pay do come in late at times and they still owe me 2 months claim and one month's CPF but I guess if you really love the job, to me, what I feel is, once awhile if they cant pay me, I am ok, but not to drag for months lah.

I even told my president my background and all. A very easy person to talk to and I guess I am like talking to my mum. Hahaha, serious ok. I love talking to old people, eh, no, she is not that old. Hahaha... Told you guys before that I like old people...

Looking forward to meet more people in my life. Oh, something to annouce here which I think maybe it might shock you guys because you all might think that I wont do it.


Yeah, pls dont get a shock leh!! Hahaha, now I seriously blardy wanna become a volunteer ok!

Oh, Gean Lee!!!! I am so sorry that I cant meet you liao. I seriously miss you like hell lah but bo bian lah, got meeting... I know you also miss me lah.. lol.. pls jus admit it ok. Seriously, meet up soon ok.. I think you are crazy busy lah.

This is the picture taken when me and my manager give workshop to grassroots, cleaner contractor and management side. Super funny people but also stern lah. Got abit scared by them. Hahaha.

Anyway, take care peeps... I miss someone badly now (Gean, not u lah. lol)


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