Increase in pay???

Hmm, my title says it all. I do hope I will have an increase in pay... Its already over my 3 months probation.. I need money to study, to do the things I want.. Hahaha, maybe it is common, too common to use this reason to ask for increase, but then, they are so true.

Kinda got abit demoralise now. I am asking myself why am I working and doing so many things now... I went to jobstreets and jobsdb to see some new posted job, some did interest me and I tell myself, ONE LAST MONTH, IF THERE IS NO INCREASE, I will go... Not that I do not like my job... I love my job but then it is just unfair if I am assigned to so many things and yet I am paid peanuts... Kinda unfair...

Going to go back office tomorrow to take some stuff for Monday's assembly talk... Hope to see my special soon. Hehehe.. I wanna become special's best friend!


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