A nice breezing Friday

Went cycling with Joey and Xiao Wei yesterday at East Coast. Yes, I took off because of Joey. Hahah, today is her birthday!!! Hold on, let me wish her first if not she might say I forget her birthday.

Happy 22nd Birthday Joey Ang Si Min!

I was actually wondering why me and Joey and Xiao Wei become so close. Hmm, I would regard them as close friends because we talk anything and I am glad that the 3 of us are actually happy-go-lucky kind. Yeah, because of this character we have in us, we actually click very well with each other.

Ok, talking about East Coast, me and Xiao Wei's job yesterday was to teach Joey how to cycle. Yes, at the age of 22 liao, she do not know how to cycle. Not amazing but true. Hahaha. Poor Joey, as we (me and Xiao Wei) thought that she could be on her own, cycling to and fro of East Coast, a call came and she was the one who called telling us that she has fall down behind us. Hahaha. So after both of us change to single bike, we quickly rush back to her with free plaster given by the bicycle shop uncle. It was seriously funny on just looking at how Joey ride the bicycle. A warning to you guys who are going to cycle with her in the near future.

Please do not ride beside her, ESPECIALLY ON HER RIGHT. WHY?

Because she tend to fall on her right and so the bicycle chain naturally get loose easily. I have seen how she JUMP off from the bike to prevent from falling again. Guys, SHE REALLY JUST LET GO THE BICYCLE AND JUMP OFF!

After we return the bike, we took at walk at the coastline and guess what, I AM BURNT! Seriously in red now and its abit itchy too. Me and Xiao Wei did alot of stooopid stuff lah.

More pictures to come to show you guys on how she ride ok. Hehehe. So after that, Joey wanted to go Orchard, of which I actually forget about the plan of going to Orchard after the cycling session. Guess how I wear... Its DAMM LOK! I wear a short and a tee with a small bag and sandals. I cant really believe that I actually wore like that to Orchard. If I show you guys the pic ah, sure shock you guys out to the max!

We catch a movie by Jack Neo, Money not Enough 2! Damm nice but both of them actually cried so bitterly during the show. Halfway thru the show, I turn to Joey and said:"Wah, alot of ppl crying leh." To my shockness, SHE WAS CRYING TOO. Should have taken a picture of her in tears. Hahhaha.

It was indeed a super duper fun day lah. More outing please. I am feeling abit sian cos Monday is coming and that means I have to work which also means that I have to face some idiots... So boring.


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