Emptied 2022, New 2023

 Time now is 1.48am. Just out of the blue, I recalled I have a blog. I thought I have done an entry in 2022 but ....

Well, 2022 has been a horrible year. I don't need to pen it down to remember this 2022. My first HR inquiry done in my whole entire 10 years of work life. I had alot of anger at the beginning but with support from very close friends I deemed, I am trying to let it go. I do not think I will ever forgive nor forget. But honestly, whatever that has happened in 2022 was one of the greatest lesson given to me, although not the worst though but yes, it can be like my top 5 lessons learnt.

2022 has also given me plenty of opportunities not just at work, but building relationships with friends that I deemed worth the effort and time and in return, indeed, relationships turned better. I truly appreciate to these friends who has appeared in my life, making my life so interesting.

Well, 2023, I have done my travelling. Finally get away for a 3 weeks long trip to Eastern Europe. I gotta say, travelling solo is definitely a fun thing to do. It challenges u in every way; from being having awareness of surrounding, to making plans properly and being able to spend time on your own to think about things. In these 3 weeks, I went to Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Germany and Czech. It has been such an eye opener for me.

Coming June 2023, I am gonna climb Mount K. Till this date, I have been mumbling about why did I agree to this and yet, feeling excited about it. I have also made some plans for Oct 2023. Hopefully it will come true otherwise, I don't mind travel solo again. Hahaha.

At work, I am glad this team lead role is taken away from me, truly allowing me to focus on the work I am interested in but well, I will need to push myself harder to do the work. 

I am also gonna take up GRE to sign up for masters programme. Hopefully it will turn out well.

2023 sounds exciting right? Travels, studies, spending time with friends, trying to get a house...

Bye 2022. Hello 2023. Looking forward to 2024.


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