The same question, AGAIN!

I guess today is really my first ever time I wake up at 7.15am. Please dont get a shock ok cos even when my school starts at 8.30am, I will always be late to lesson and never early unless I know that faci is gonna downgrade me. Hahaha.

Went to a primary school to give my assembly talk and I shall not mention or name the school because their students is freaking rude. They just simply shout my colleague's name out without addressing him as Mister ---. Super rude. Anyway, the school is located near Race course road, near serangoon, nearest MRT station is Farrer Park Station. Hahaha, yes, that school... You guys guess it ok, I never mention or say the name.

I was at a temple's dinner yesterday and luckily I am able to wake up cos the dinner end at 12am... Anyway, as what my entry title said, "THE SAME QUESTION, AGAIN!" Yes, again... Know what happen?

Yesterday my dad saw his old friend. So they both started to talk about the past and families.. Out of a sudden, my dad ask him (in hokkien dialect), "Hey, your daughter same age as mine also right? Got boyfriend?" The uncle replied with a deep deep sigh and say:"Aiya, dont talk about it. So many troubles.." Then my dad replied him:"Wah, my daughter until now ZERO BOYFRIEND. No boyfriend lor."

After hearing what my dad replied, its obvoiously clear enough that he wanna malu me and show me that its time to find a boyfriend and so, I turn to the uncle and say:"I think earn money is what we should do now. Enjoy life will be best." The uncle nodded his head and agreed with me and he told my dad:"Wah, your daughter sensible lah."

Hahaha, I am not boasting about myself, but I want to show you guys the conversation because just few days ago, my mum stress on me about this again. She keep asking me to dress up myself, to behave more like a girl, wear make-up, join some club and go out more often...

Weird parents I got but seriously, they are cute lah. LOL, just see how they talk to me about boyfriend issue can make me laugh.

I dont mind telling you guys, I SERIOUSLY DONT WANNA GET MARRIED. I prefer single. Although it may seems alittle bit emo but this is truely what I want. I know there are always people telling me, you said it now, but when it comes, when it appears, you will be different. Of course, I wont stop nor I will purposely go and find one. Married this thing has never cross my mind before. I never even think of it. All my brain contain now are $$$$$$$$.

I have got one best friend who is married now, I can tell you guys (Sry friend), she will not have the time for us. She will focus alot more on her family. Of course this is good, but there are just too many things behind the head... You have to care about this, care about that. Imagine you have got a family now, if you wanna go taiwan or some other countries with friends, it will be hard because you will have to think about your immediate family members...

Nvm, but this entry to just to share and this questions has been appearing non stop infront of me...

Anyway, I will be darn busy, my manager speaks to me today and ask if I wanna change department and if I change, I will not be doing the school assembly talk. I die die want to stay in this department. I think they sure gonna bring this up in the meeting and I have got a strong feeling that I will not be in my current department anymore. Hmm, any ways to counter or prepare myself? I seriously like my department, I love giving assembly talks...

Hai, but no matter where I go, I am still busy. Take care peeps, dont miss me. serious ok. lol

This is the fulfilment I get once I finished the assembly talk. As I mention, it is a special card done by special school from a special person. I will nv be able to get this outside... serious.


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