
I am glad that my mum's operation went well but the doctor told us that actually while he was operating, he saw that the virus has spread to other parts of her cervical and its already in stage one cancer. Well, the doctor decided to also laser all those off and he said it is "clean" now but he wont promise that this virus won't attack again. I think my mum was kinda shock when the doctor say it has become cancer. I think she never thought this would happen but overall, everything went fine and hopefully this blardy virus wont come and harm my mother anymore.

Was chatting with my cousin online yesterday and asked him about engineering course for degree. WOW, he was totally opposing my idea of taking a degree in engineering. I have to tell him reasons on why I am interested in this field and at last, he tell me SQI thingy which stands for Singapore Quality Insitute. Cos I am so blardy interested to work in factory and so he ask me to take six sigma belt, which can also be known as cert. Well, after listening to what he said, I find that taking six sigma can also help me acheive what I want. Six sigma contains green and black belt. Sound like taewanko huh.. hahaha, but I like it. It will be tough.

Well, now I somehow know what I am interested in and will work towards my goal. Hopefully my GPA can hit a 3 for me and I will really blardy work hard in my uni life. I am trying hard. I know I pon alot of times but then... Hai.. I just got no motivation.

Nevermind, I will work hard towards my goal in getting that cert and degree in industrial and system engineering... If not, I think I will take marketing liao.. Hopefully not this lah.. Its like so common... hai..

Had lunch today with Poh Hiang jie and she tell me hell lots of blardy funny stuff that can make you laugh non stop. I must say, a nice lady with funny stuff inside her brain.. hahaha, but still, LIM AI LI IS THE BEST OF THE BEST!!! hahahaha.

OH OH OH, I saw Mrs Bala (sec sch teacher) at Mount Alvenia yesterday. Wanted to stop her and ask her what is she doing here but I didnt. I was telling Lishan and Shirley, maybe Billie Leong giv birth then she come.. So I went to the baby ward and walk ard since I need to wait for my mum for about 6 hours.. Wow, baby is cute to the max... hahahahah, I am lucky enough to saw them pushing in a new born baby. Hahaha, the feeling is great.. As if I am the mother.. lol, this wont happen, I am just dreaming...

Anyway, weekend is ard the corner and I really need a 12 hours of sleep to charge me up.. Take care people, tata.


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