Fun week!!

Well, suppose to be even more fun for last week, but SBK last min cancel the outing. Well, did I mention I meet my kor kor (Moron Brian) to go Vivo and eat that superdog. Well, it was nice. I love the fries but then one set can cost you $8 so... Kinda ex lah.

Well, my sweetie friend (Gean) birthday has passed and my pressie are now belated liao.. Havent pass to her yet. Hope to meet you soon lar.

Well, had 5B2 gathering on last Saturday. As usual, our empress (Lim Ai Li) didnt turn up. Why ah, why dont u turn up for gatherings? Well, I am glad that quite a number of people turn up. Those who turn up are Thanesh, Soemitro, Suharni, Azhar, Huzair, Kharil, Ihsan, Maha, Aik Thiah, Freddy, ME!! Ok, 12 people turn up. Then while waiting for Azhar to come, Thanesh, Kharil, Suharni and Maha went smoking just directly outside Long John. Well, 2 malay mat came up and catch Thanesh and Kharil for throwing the cigarettes bud on the floor. Haha, luckily Khai is in army so they didnt fine him but they fine Thanesh and he had to pay $200. So poor thing but kinda funny lah!! Hahahah.

After meeting and eating at J8, we decided to go to the Khatib fish pond there to sit and have our chit chat cum gossip. Well, still the same. Blardy guys, bully a small little toad. Its really funny lar.. hahahah, thanks to Aik Thiah. I leave at ard 8pm to meet Mabel at Khatib Mac. After that, I went and see my long lost friend, SHARIFF!!! Seriously, I miss him to the max. Let me load some cute pics of them here. Erm, not the gathering pics but some nice nice pic that we have taken during sec sch days.. hahahah, so nice lo.

Well, in this guys pic, all turn up except Derek (in green) and Yun Jie (in red).

Today meet up with mabel and we went to J8's cafe cartel to settle our dinner. Well, the food ah, dunno wat to say lar. I didnt finish mine because it taste abit weird. So we leave our comments in the plate. See below.

Artist: Mabel Lam Feng Yi

Artist: Tan Zhi Tong

Haha, cute rite?? lol. but hor, really sucks.

I wonder why this friend can be with you SO GOOD, and yet, she never care to msg or call just because of busy. Never initiate... Feel so sad ok. Give up lar.

Anyway, take care people. So tired recently, dunno why.


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