3 more weeks!!

Yes, in another 3 more weeks time, lim bu gonna submit up the FYP project. Well, I keep telling my team not to worry even if we really cannot produce the thing out. I mean, no point worrying over this when we have already tried our best in this project.

Well, after the chalet, I think I am so dead tired. My kneecap is giving me problem again. I can't stand long. The feeling is like my kneecap have shifted its position... I feel like this lah.. It is so irrtating lah.

I always wanted to sleep early but I don't know why I will ended up closing my eyes at 2am and going to school late. I was late for the lesson today. Reached school at a nice timing, 8.45am. No joke ah.. Just reach on the dot.

Tomorrow my mum is going to Mt Alvenia to have her operation. Hopefully everything turns out well. My mum told me today that she dreamt of my granny. She dream that me and my granny was at hospital with her. Sometimes, I do miss my granny once my mum talked about her. I wasn't there when she passed away. I wasn't there to send her off. Thats why I always ask myself, why do we have death and birth this kind of cycle in our lives. It makes me feel agony. My mum would sometimes tell me to keep safe her things if one day she is gone. Its so not nice to hear her saying all this to me.

So, I always tell myself to look at the brighter side of life. Mrs Lim (my fav teacher) scolded me once before. That scolding, I will NEVER EVER FORGET. She shouted at my face and ask me why am I always so happy go lucky. I learnt this phrase "happy-go-lucky" from her. I myself also don't know why I have this kind of attitude but compared to last time, SBK, I CHANGED right?? I did change.. Of course to better...

Well, I have been through things that you guys will never want to been through. No matter how big the problem is, I will still stand firm. So Shirley, STAND FIRM lah.

Ok, loaded one last picture of me.. Hahaha. Erm, dun ask me why I did that kinda face. I always give silly faces. But I like this pic lots.

Alright, take care people. Hope to bump into you some day in the street. tata~


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