Boring holiday, boring weekend.

My life is just so F.L.A.T________________.

I never went out at all. Stayed at home during the weekend.

Tues to Thurs will be my FYP days. Damm those FYP. But I am lucky enough that I got a hardworking team. We are working towards our goals and we are reaching soon.

Roll of honours for me?? Its gone lar. I give up that title.

June is such a heavy month for me. So many people's birthday, need to think alot of nice ideas (such as presents). I love giving surprises lah. Haha.

Pirates 3 are nice to watch.

9 June will be a day full of surprises. Of course not about the class gathering (i am excited abt it lah), but that day, that night, that midnight, the next morning, I am going to spend my time with my special ones. I love SBK. Remember, no phones, no disturbance, JUST US ok?!

Anticipating for 9 June to come. Awaiting for my graduation to happen next year. Affirming that I will work and earn all the blardy $$$!

Ok, tata~


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