Anyway, heard from bon(my rp friend) saying that poh hiang jie has quitted her RP job and to confirm this,I ask my supervisor. Wah lao, she is really quitting leh and becoming AA(Academic Associate). AA means part time teaching ah. Wah lao, no one to acc me for lunch liao.. Sibei sad.
Thanks to Suharni, she loaded all the gathering pictures into the comments in friendster and worst, she loaded some of my ugly pics. But well, I will only show those nice ones here lah. Who is that stoopid to show those ugly pics. hahaha

Dont ask me why the effect is like this. I dunno too. Its not photoshop-ed at all. Both of them are really funny guys.
Ok, that is the amount of people that turn up for the gathering. Dont say its few ok because they really make an effort to come down. Soemitro face is not inside because he need to go off early. Aik Thiah come down when we are at the Khatib fish pond. Still as crappy as ever and still doing silly things.
Few days ago I digged out a CD bag which contain DVDs (of course) that I bought in Shanghai last year during my work attachment. I think time is one factor that I really cannot compromise with and SO, since I am having my holiday now (erm.. can say so la), I decided to take all the DVDs out and watch 'em all. But hor.. I think I buy quite alot of DVDs so I need time to watch them lah. I buy...
- Detective Conan. ( Comes with 4 DVDs and so, its a total of 40 hours!! OMGosh)
- Project Runway. (Awww, I love this. Please don't say I am lagging behind ok!! I got all the seasons...)
- Dragon Ball. (Hahah, childhood cartoon. 5 DVDs, so a total of 50 hours..)
Ok, it may seems that its only a few lah, but hor.. WAH LAO, HOW TO FINISH THEM ALL? Currently I just started watching my Project Runway season 1 and epi 4. (Slow right? I know, dont remind me!)
Can anyone tell me, where can I get DVDs or CDs on SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE?? I want all the seasons!!!!! WHERE CAN I GET THOSE?
Overall, I love weekends and I wanna say something out. I discussed it with Gean before about seeing someone you were once closed to and yet you all got nothing to talk about it. Well, I saw her today, I really dunno what to talk. So I just talk cock and ask her what time is she here and ok, bye. So flat right?? Gean said she felt this way before too. I dont want to have this kinda feeling anymore. So SBK, 3 of us better dont landed up like this and to my ex working colleague, my sec sch friends, PLEASE, if we see other next time, we better dont feel this way!!