What will my future be?

IQ Test Score

OMG, SHIRLEY LEE, see this bo, my IQ!!! Hahahahah, eh, go and take the test leh..


Use to be wealthy lah, now ah, my bank like kena suck empty by the dracula.. haha. Recently I am so crazy into this kinda test.. Dun ask me why lah, but doing all this kills all the free time I had with me.

So does this means that I can become a liason officer?? Hahaha.. Sometimes doing all this tests make you wonder if you are really this type of person.
Chatted with Ruki in MSN yesterday night, he create alot of thinking in my mind. He tell me what he wanted to do and how is he going to do it. I strongly believe that he will do it because he is determined. When he ask about what I want to do after I graduate, I answered him saying," I don't know." We both are same age but yet he know what he wants in life. Seriously, he can do it. He tell me, do things with passion, do the things you like. The thing is, me, myself, I like what, I also dont know. I follow the world, the trend, but not me. I like music so does that mean I should take diploma in performing music at NAFA or should I take degree in Engineering because its a hot and in demand degree and able to break through something in the future, or should I just hack care and continue to take degree in IT or business where I know I hate these 2 very much. Should I just work to gain experience or to study first? I really truly dont know what I like. A degree in this society is a must. Earning big bucks of money is also a must because we need to feed families, buy own house, have enough spare cash and all....
So which path should I go? Follow my heart, or have a logical thinking?? In another few months time, the word "graduate" will hit me soon. Of course, I do have alot of things I wanna do. I wanna earn enough cash to travel around the countries with my family. I wanna make sure my family have enough to eat and have a luxury life. Why luxury, is because each of us live only once. I want them to enjoy to the max.
I envy those who know what they want to do for life. I envy those who got the money to study right after their poly life. I envy those who can really study what they like and make it as an earning for their life. I envy those who do things successfully and enjoy every minute in their life. I envy alot..... So what about myself? I have got nothing...
Its already June. Time passes really fast. I want to have a fun to the max life where I am earning money yet I am doing something I like and enjoying every moment.
What should I do??? =(


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