Things are getting out of hand..

I am lazy to solve it.
I am utterly disappointed that till now, she don't get what I said and what I mean. I am sick of those peaceful talks we had. It ended with sorry, then the next thing is, the cycle repeat. I think our understanding is just bullshit. I think you should know the reasons of why I flare and get angry this time. I admit that I am temperament and if you do not want to have such a friend, take it that you really do not have it because the basic thing of accepting is already not perform. No calls, just messages that I can really predict that you are going to said that. I was just trying my luck and I really got the answers that I predict. You are an easily predicted person and that is why I said your answers are really with no meanings. Everyone are numb to it. Maybe not everyone, but I am. Go ahead and do it again and I am tired of explaining, tired of saying sorry.

Disappointed because I give up.
I initiate already and if this is not enough, then I will really truly forget it and take it as I don't have a friend like you.
Maybe I am thinking to much.
Maybe I am too sensitive.
Maybe I deserve it because of what I had done to you.
Maybe we are not meant to be friends.
Maybe you will never understand the significant of those meet-up.
Maybe you will always give the same old replies that we always predicted right.
Maybe its time that I shouldn't bother you anymore.
Maybe I should just really hack care...

Alot of maybe(s) running around in my mind and nobody can answer it.

Problem seems small, but if it is always repeating, then it isn't small anymore.

I think I have created alot of dins and I am stopping it now. Stopping mean that I don't wanna know about you or anything that is regarding about you anymore.



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