Monday BLUE~

Yes, it is so BLUE BLUE BLUE today. Had econs class today and I starting to really love econs lah. I think maybe is due to the facilitator. She is so damm nice ok. I think is I "san sheng xiu lai de fu qi". My marketing fac, seriously, he can go and just die off lah. Give me C because I NEVER TALK MUCH. People, believe it anot, he say I NV TALK MUCH. Wah lao, I draw and do all the shit stuff and just simply because I went quieter doesn't mean I nv do work. F*** him. He gave me my first ever C for this sem. He will be remembered greatly... UT today was OK OK nia.. I think those who knows me well, know that I dont study for UT. hahaha, I AM LIKE THIS LAH.

Saturday I had a damm shitty blardy fun night lah. Ok, i reach home at 1am and I run like mad just to catch the last train. Ok la, I find it fun to catch the last train. Dunno why, I like the rush feeling. I like to rush for something and then I feel damm happy and feel a sense of satisfaction once I am able to do finish or wat lah. Dont ever say that I am crazy ok. ahhaha.

So happy that my long lost mentor, Tan Poh Hiang aka da jie come and talk to me in MSN. Aiya, she shld be my mum lah. Wed will also be an exciting night lah.. together with jasmine and nicole, I think the 3 of us are enough to create chaos in the KTV session.. hahahaha, so damm fun. I am waiting for wed to arrive lah.

I MISS MY DOPOD..NOT! I wanna get it back fast and sell it off fast and buy the samsung hp fast.

Anyway, mum nag at me quite alot of times and dunno for wat lah. She is worry abt my future, I am also worried lah. But to make her feel not worried, I have to find means and ways to really assure her that I WILL HAVE A BRIGHT BRIGHT FUTURE. (is green bright enuff?) Aiya, typical parents....

Anyway, I want my weekend to come faster. Hopefully I will seriously have enough rest, enough money(damm freaking shitty blardy broke now!), top up my account and NOTHING HAPPEN LAH!! Just pray for me ok.



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