Brand New Week!

Yes, HELLO, I am proud that I really damm bloody wake myself up at 8am, took a cab to school and not late for lesson. I was really very lazy to wake up to go school. It has been so torturing for me because I really simply doesn't have close friend in that RP. I think even those close ones doesn't really ask me to go for lunch or break. I am glad and happy that Lee Hoon ask me today but sorry girl, I wanna be a hardworking girl. Haha, no lah, its just that I couldn't finish the worksheet on time. I am glad that Nisha and Lee Hoon at least did ask me to go lunch together. Others seems to be disappeared. But I dont care much now. I am going to be damm blardy evil now.

Anyway, today's lesson was really a total fun. Well, altho econs really make you suffer but then, thanks to the facilitator. Haha, she is really just damm pure good lah. One of the reason of why I could wake up today is because of her. I wanna attend her lesson. A new found MOTIVATION!

Things hasn't been going along well. Total slience..... You know, FLAT TONE.... It just flat so naturally... Even if she dont read it, the things still remain the same. Dun care if she read it or not, its my bloody blog, I can write all the pile of shit I wanna write. I am evil now.

Chatted with Gean on the phone yesterday. She is my idol lah. Once again, she went asleep without telling me and I talk and talk... Haha, damm cute hor, Ms Gean Lee. Haha. Well, I think what she told me was right. There are certain kind of people, you ask her out is like you gonna take her life. So next time, dont ask her out at all and remain just friends. True you know... I believe this and I agree with her totally. Sometimes, to me, telling me you are busy are just total shit. Of cos, I still do believe this word "busy". But it depends on situations... Too many times of repeat cycles make me think that "busy" is such an easy word to say it out from your mouth without using brain to think.

Anyway, I submitted 14 ICs. Thanks to Marianah (classmates), my brother, my papa, my mama, Brian, Nicole, Ruki, Mabel, Ms Winnie Tan, Shi Min , Gean, Er Wynn, Cherilyn and most importantly, ME!!! And Lishan, she submitted around 12?? So in total, I got 26 ICs!!! Hopefully we are lucky enough to get it lah. Hahah. Pray ok, I really wanna go.

Ok, seriously, thanks alot my friend. I wanted to use my aunt's IC because she was born on the August 9, I was just hoping lah but she need to go down and collect ticket which will be tiring for her. If I were to add up with my aunts and uncles, I will have a total of 21 ICs. Shit lah.. hahahaha, but its ok.. I am lucky, I feel it, I sense it!!! (I am like typical Singaporean sey!!)

Whao, its a long entry today. Overall, I love my class, I love my friends, I love SBK, I love all those who really care for me and care to chat with me when I was down, I love my family, I love EVERY SINGLE ONE except those who bloody dun care about me lah...

Overall, I am stubborn, I am naughty, I am talkative, I am nerd, I am weak, I am evil, I am a pain in someone's eyes, I am just ME. I will never change the original me. And I know this is bad but I truly doesnt care about it at all. Bloody hell...-->(i think this is my new hip thing i will say) No more shit you. Hahah.


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