People, listen to me ok, DON'T EVER BUY DOPOD PHONES!!! Its really freaking f**king WORTHLESS!!!
Just now, the full confident me step into the Singtel shop, asked the staff there on how much does my DOPOD cost if I want to sell it. I was waiting for them to say, "Oh, miss, this phone is worth $500", but instead of saying this, they say," Well, this phone we don't take in. But if you want to sell, its only worth $200". Wah, when I heard this, my heart immediate sank...
I bought this bloody phone just last September and that Singtel tell me my phone worth only $200!!! Its such a small freaking $200!!! I thought it will worth like at least $500... People, my heart really ache. That salesperson who serve me still dare to ask me, "Miss, heartache right?" Wah, when I heard this, DOUBLE HEARTACHE! Well, so after this, I HAVE DECIDED NOT TO SELL IT.
My heart sill ache now!!! Anyway, today's module, AT LAST, CHANGE TEAM!! Yeah!! I love working in this team that I got assigned today.
Overall, now, HOW SIA?? Dunno to sell the phone or to continue to use. Gean ask me to sell before it drops to $50, Lee Hoon say continue to use since you sell it, you will lose out. How??
Glad that Poh Hiang Jie meet me for lunch. I love eating with her lah. Other than her paying for my lunch, she also talk alot of funny stuff that can make you laugh. Well, we bad-mouthed someone so badly till she laugh...

Above is my FYP team. We must do it ok. WE MUST!! We will do it too. Work hard together and we must graduate together. Love you all much.

This picture taken like 2 weeks ago.. Well, I would say she is my close friend. Haha, just load it for fun lah, to show how innocent I am!! Lol. She look evil and I believe she is!!
Anyway, tonight its gonna have a heavy rain and I can at last sleep soundly!!! Tata~
Just now, the full confident me step into the Singtel shop, asked the staff there on how much does my DOPOD cost if I want to sell it. I was waiting for them to say, "Oh, miss, this phone is worth $500", but instead of saying this, they say," Well, this phone we don't take in. But if you want to sell, its only worth $200". Wah, when I heard this, my heart immediate sank...
I bought this bloody phone just last September and that Singtel tell me my phone worth only $200!!! Its such a small freaking $200!!! I thought it will worth like at least $500... People, my heart really ache. That salesperson who serve me still dare to ask me, "Miss, heartache right?" Wah, when I heard this, DOUBLE HEARTACHE! Well, so after this, I HAVE DECIDED NOT TO SELL IT.
My heart sill ache now!!! Anyway, today's module, AT LAST, CHANGE TEAM!! Yeah!! I love working in this team that I got assigned today.
Overall, now, HOW SIA?? Dunno to sell the phone or to continue to use. Gean ask me to sell before it drops to $50, Lee Hoon say continue to use since you sell it, you will lose out. How??
Glad that Poh Hiang Jie meet me for lunch. I love eating with her lah. Other than her paying for my lunch, she also talk alot of funny stuff that can make you laugh. Well, we bad-mouthed someone so badly till she laugh...

Above is my FYP team. We must do it ok. WE MUST!! We will do it too. Work hard together and we must graduate together. Love you all much.
This picture taken like 2 weeks ago.. Well, I would say she is my close friend. Haha, just load it for fun lah, to show how innocent I am!! Lol. She look evil and I believe she is!!
Anyway, tonight its gonna have a heavy rain and I can at last sleep soundly!!! Tata~