I just love it...

I really love every single bit of you... Well, but its hard for me to say..

You are really simply cute, adorable, make me wanna see you everyday, spend my time with you, talk to you, play with you, eat with you, walk with you, chat with you in MSN...

Ok, every single little things, I am really keen to do with you.

I guess I am.......


Well, I message Mrs Lim, and once AGAIN, she really never reply me. Sometimes it makes me really wonder, IS SHE REALLY THAT BAD?? Well, I just simply give up. I don't idolise her anymore, I don't do stoopid things for her anymore. I just don't get it. She only contact with certain people, BUT NOT ME! Was quite upset abt it.

Well, a question to ask you all. Am I petty?

I think I bear grudges alot. I still cannot forget or forgive what this friend had done previous week. I wont say I never forgive, but I still thing what she say wasn't valid. Maybe I am stubborn? I ask myself, "I am already 21 years old, why am I still doing all this childish stuff?". But here, is it really childish or I am just too easily to get affected by certain stuff?

Yesterday went down to PS to have lunch with Gean. Well, actually, she slim down alot lah, but in order to not make her fly with all my comments, I keep saying that she is still that fat. Haha, but hor, she also got say me back leh.. Somemore annouce my weight so loudly.. And worst thing is, she say my weight is 85kg... Cant believe she said that.. I mean, cant u all see, I am just 50 kg?? LOL.

Ok, glad that my family is gotta problems... really out!!! Hahaha..so damm happy can...

Anyway, I really love you. Take care guys...tata~


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