A joy, a happiness, a successful feeling to share...

Finally, it takes me 2 days to complete this thing man!!! Well, will take picture and show it to you all once I meet Gean. Dunno whether she really guess correctly anot. Keep telling me that she is able to guess what I am giving to her. Seriously, I hope she guess wrongly but then hor, the way she say to me about this present, ITS LIKE SHE REALLY GUESS IT CORRECTLY MAN!!!

Anyway, I am really truly proud of myself.. I did it ok.. SBK, I did it!!!

At last, my FYP project is moving.. Codes are out (for some parts) and we are will doing it. I am sure we can do it!!!

Anyway, its late now. I am going to sleep soon. Take care ok.. tata~


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