Very sick!

Hai, am I really weak or I am already weak? The recent rainings make me so sick. I am having flu, fever and my ear canal are itchy again. I am really tired. Too many things to handle.

Anyway, with regards to the good news in the previous post, take a look at the picture below. The HR team. I am glad to work with you all and its really my honoured to know you all in RP. Really.

Clockwise from top: Li Yi, Ya Li, Jasmine, Me and Lena.

This entry maybe abit emo due to my sickness but then, I am glad that this bunch of friends are with me when I needed them. Thanks to the bunch of W54C ladies. I mean, you all know what happened to me recently and then you all did care and help me. Ang Min Min, thank you for your free ride home and seriously, you fed me to the fat recent me. Hahaha, thanks lah.

Hopefully we will spent the rest of the school days together happily and enjoy the few weeks of school life together in RP.


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