A few hours in Bangkok, H.K and India

My day today(Wednesday) is really a fantastic day. One of the reason that makes my day fantastic is that I have finally finish the PP meeting with the 3 people and they kind of accept my PP. I do hope to clinch the deal.

Well, thanks to the high technologies that the world is enjoying now, I took flights to Bangkok, H.K and India with Jasmine Ang in just a few hours. I must say it was a cheap flight because we went to 3 countries in just a few hours time. This is actually another reasons on why it makes my day so fantastic.

Alright, we met at around 6.30pm in Changi Airport because we need to attend a meeting in India. So we take our flight and our first stop is India, a beautiful and full of smells country which it attract us to take down some of the pictures. People are facing their back to us due to their shyness. They do not want to be captured in the picture but they only agreed to let me take their back view. Of course, I wouldn't want to waste this precious chance and I seldom go to India, so I took a picture of them, which is below. Isn't it a sweet family with cohesive bonding. Everywhere I go, I saw them and they are so united and bonded because they all just simply smells the same. Maybe they spray the same perfume? Who knows?
Trust me, they are really bonded together so well that when you walked in India, all ladies have curly hair, all men have a bag pack with a unique smell which can really identify them on which race they are.

So after our meeting in India, we still have time to visit H.K for awhile, not to shop, but to eat. Took a picture of the place we eat in. It was fabulous as it serves us AUTHENTIC H.K dim sum. We had our dim sum at Mongkok and I must say, H.K was really a nice place to eat in and below are the picture of our food that the both of us ordered.

Looks delicious, isn't it? So right after our dinner in Mongkok, which is in H.K, we decided to walk and shop around in Bangkok. True enough, we did some exercising like running, jogging, fast walk and slow walk. It did help our digestion part and it was a great walk in Bangkok with shops around but one dangerous we did was the jay-walking. There are so many vehicles in Bangkok and so we decided to take a picture of it to show you all the risk and danger that you might be facing when you jay-walk. So, NEVER JAY-WALK OK. Take a look at the below picture. A busy street yet vibrant with car's headlight.

It was really a busy street in Bangkok. Last but not least, me and Jasmine really enjoy alot as we are able to spend time in 3 countries which is India, H.K and Bangkok in just a few hours time. We are so happy, elated, excited that we self shot a picture of ourselves and take a look. We are happy. Thats what friends are for!

Bye all. If we can visit 3 countries in a few hours, you can do it. Need trainers to teach you on how to travel to 3 countries in a day? Tag my board now and both of us will give you training.


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