Got in!!

Well, remember I told you all about the SMU business IT competition?? My team got into the competition man!! Thats so lucky of us. Do feel happy about it.

Well, today nv go to work again. I guess I am gonna get sack soon. Called a customer yesterday and tell him about our promotion on the internet broadband. Suddenly, this customer just tell me through the phone that he is a property agent and ask if he can have my number. So I ask him why do you want my number? And his reply was, "Oh, I thought you sounded nice and sometimes, my customer may actually ask us to help them fix the cable tv and internet, so by getting your number, this is actually the fastest way to get things done and also to let you earn some commission." I was elated lah, hmm, happy that this customer wanna intro customers to me but then, I was thinking hard, if I were to quit one day and this customer called me and ask about it, how am I suppose to ans? So I reject him nicely, telling him that I am just a part-timer and my working time is not fix at all. I told him nicely that he can actually call 1630. His reply was," Well, its ok. I do know some people from Starhub and they can actually help me."

I really wanna thank this customer for wanting to give me this opportunity to earn my commission but too bad, I cant just give my numbers and I dont even know my office numbers. All I know is, giving my number to customer is a risky thing. I kena before already and this customer really spoil my morning.

But one funny thing is, there is a customer who got my number and we actually communicate thru sms. This customer actually says that I am quite a nice lady and ask me if I mind becoming friends. Oh, come'on, I am such a friendly person, and so, I agreed to it. Until now, I msg this friend like dunno how many smses liao.. hahahaha.

A couple of things to worried. First is the FYP, second is my results, third is what am I suppose to study, fourth is how to have enough slp, fifth is.... Right now, no fifth but coming soon.. As we get older, alot of things we need to vex at, alot of things we need to re-consider again and again.

nvm, life goes on and TO SHIRLEY AND LISHAN, PLEASE OK, SAY THE 3 WORDS TO ME EVERYDAY. 7 years of friends, never once say lo, I must remind and ask u all to say.. so insincere.

bye all


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