Eat and get fat with me!
Yeah, its Big Food Feast today!! I mean, yesterday... Ok, I didnt go school again and this time, my HR module hit 6 times of absenting for this. Well, dont ask me why but I am seriously busy. Too many things happened recently and thus my time is really... Anyway, Jasmine also pon lar but she is better than me. She finished her work then she decided to pon due to some reasons lah so as a friend, OF COURSE, I support her decision. Lol.. After we pon, we decided to catch a movie in J8 and decided to watch The Game Plan. Seriously lah, damm funny. Me and Jasmine really laugh until.. Lol.. The last time I watch movie with her was like.... Dunno when lah. Anyway, after that, I suggested some ideas as in where should we settle our dinner. I thought she will say I siao so I say :" Hey, maybe we should go either Jalan Kayu or Upper Thomson there and eat our dinner." To my freaking big surprise plus my super loud laughter, she agreed leh.. She agreed to go Upper Thomson there and eat prata. Wha lao eh... Ok lah, fun. Tell you all, before we went there and eat prata, I had Fried Fish Soup with a bowl of plain rice in school's canteen. After that, I buy a waffle with chocolate. When we reached J8, we went KFC and I eat my 2 piece meal. Then again, after the movie, prata... When I reached home, my mum cooked and so I have to eat abit.. I HAD 5 MEALS TODAY IN LIKE... 8 HOURS?? So shit lo. Eat too much liao.
Ok, below are the pictures of the prata again. Hai, JASMINE, can you dont always agree to me... I AM SERIOUSLY GETTING FATTER AND FATTER DAY BY DAY!

Ok, below are the pictures of the prata again. Hai, JASMINE, can you dont always agree to me... I AM SERIOUSLY GETTING FATTER AND FATTER DAY BY DAY!
Yeah, we ordered abit only lar. Compared to our trip to 3 countries, this is nothing man. Small case. Enjoy eating with Jasmine lah. More to come.
Monday was the econs class. Damm funny lah. Zann went pervert by saying all those sexual things to Ira, a girl who wear tudung.. Anyway, tell u all one thing that is damm blardy funny.. No, is 2 things. First of all, Karen (econs fac) was going through the quiz answers with us, so I was actually talking to her about some funny stuff lah then this team rite, a team member from that team said something funny. This is what she say,:"Karen, you can push up already." At that super very moment, I turn towards Zann and we just laughed until both of our faces went red. That day was actually a pervert day lah. Teaming with zann that day makes me also go pervert. We actually laughed at the "push-up". LOL. So we laugh and laugh and Karen said something lah. Hahaha, I mean, Karen knew what we were laughing at. That team member should say scroll up, not push up.. Lol, that push up remind me of the push up bra.. hahahah.
Ok, the next funny thing is, this China lady, I mean, all of us by now should know that there is this prank call that has been going around for months and are cheating on our money using reasons like "Oh, you have won a pair of ticket to H.K and were invited to view this station blah blah blah.." etc... So this lady called me and I decided to share this conversation with my class by putting it on speakers.. Hahhaha, that was so funny lah. The whole class laughed cos I prank the lady. Heheheh.
Hmm, a good news to share. This time, I guess its really gonna be hectic for us. My HR competition team will be featured in HR magazine. Take a look at below and see the email that they send to me, lena, liyi, jasmine and yali.. WE ARE GETTING FAMOUS SOON!!
Hai, my time, my life... super busy lar!! Anyway, take care people. Jasmine, more food outing next time ok.. hehehe. No car nvm, got public transport.