My holiday ended...

1 week of holiday is always never enough. I do not know why RP are so "giam" or "niao" in giving us the holiday.

Yesterday was my sister's birthday. Hahah, my big fat sister 21st birthday. This big fat sister is Lena Chang. Hahaha, funny lah. Take alot of pictures in her studio room, eat, talk, play, sing and I freaking burn my thumb when I wanna light the candle up for her. Stoopid lighter. Somemore I burn 3 times.

Anyway, Lena, HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY. Dont think of me so much lah. I know you are super happy that I turn up for your party right??? Hehehe..

Today is the submission for the HR competition. So far not bad. My UT hor, 2 D liao.. hahahaha, i left another 2 more to make it to 4D. lol. Aiya, dun ask me to study hard cos it wont happen.

I am so tired lah. Really... Why am I working so hard for the money? Why must I work? What am I working for? No motivation man... I got no motivation to keep me going. Not just work, but school life and alot of issues lah. I am emo liao... hahahah.



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