
Well, my weekends has always been a boring one. Nobody to ask me out, nothing to do at home(but to online), no programmes on tv to watch, no movies to catch, nothing... I am used to this kinda life.

Well, alot of things happened this week. Lazy to type out here too but overall, still under my control, able to manage it. Still kinda stress but I think I am much more better than last week. I think last week was the real STRESS OUT me.

FYP is killing me actually. Its killing alot of my brain cells. Trying to make sure I can take all this stress. Well, coping well.

UTs are coming soon and I really need to study and prepare. I want my GPA to hit 3. Maybe it will be hard, but no matter what, I am determined to do it. I am worried about my future and everything. Another 10 more months, I am going to graduate from RP. Well, what can I exactly do after I graduate? Kind of phobia...

Hopefully I will do well in my studies ok.. Pray for me. Anyway, BRIAN TAN, U DONT NEED TO BONJOUR ME LAH, I wanna tell you, SELAMAT DATANG FROM SINGAPORE.. ahhaha, see u soon brudder.


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