Damm angered and shit to everything.

Yesterday, my damm fucking clever dad decided to bring this China man backed home to stay. Last week, I already told him NOT to bring him back and I stated my reasons clearly. Things like bringing a man back you should know jolly well. My house got my maid and me. And if that man claim to be rich and is a businessman, why dont he stay in better hotel rather than our house and sleep on the floor? I mean, all this actions are contradicting. Dont tell him he dont wanna spend this kinda money. Then why is he here with all the US money and yet my dad still have to give him 500 bucks. I was damm angry yesterday and I just give sacarstic comments on what the so called "businessman" wanna do in Singapore. I just totally shut his mouth up with my damm directness and told him off that Singaporeans only buy REAL STUFF, NOT FAKE OR IMITATION ITEM. He went mute and dont know what to say. A china man who said he know how to speak English. I purposely speak very fast and HE CANT CATCH A WORD. He claim that he went to Italy and Canada before. I am sure their English are far more faster than mine because I have speak with a Canadian before and I really know how fast they speak.

And all because of this man, my fucking father didnt even give me the money to buy the clothes and high heels which I bought already. I was damm pissed when I know this man got US money yet my dad still have to give him 500 bucks. JUST WAT THE HELL.

I am not saying that I dont like china people but there are just things that my dad shouldnt do. Bringing him back hm is one wrong thing. Its like my maid and me are not ladies. AND WORST, my dad wanted to lend him a shoe to wear, you guys know wat, HE CHOOSE THE SHOE THAT MY MUM BOUGHT FOR MY DAD($100) AND MY DAD LEND HIM. fuck it. That man is a total conman!! I dont care what kinda business he had, how much he is earning, but staying in my house is NO WAY and my CB father bring him. I just cant stand it.

If he were to come back again, I will be even harsher and trust me, I can give attitude easily when I am damm pissed off.


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