I don't know if my wearing have impressed anyone but I have impressed myself and seriously, I seldom, or NEVER wear that kinda formal wearing unless its some big occasion. Well, yesterday wasn't a big occasion but its just my secondary school speech day. Because of this, I went and cut my hair, bought a raoul shirt and high heel. I am not trying to show off lah, its just that buying all these stuff will make me think that I am safe. Safe as in I am prepared and all 'cause I kinda wanna tell those teachers that I HAVE CHANGED. I think they still got the "zhitong is still rude, still that playful, still hair messy" that kinda thinking. Well, took alot of pictures and I really enjoyed myself yesterday. Thanks to Aston(Shirley's bf), we sat his car home and I reach home at around 1.30am. After the concert ended, the 9 of us went to Boat Quay's TCC and had a drink. That 9 are SBK, Aston, Winnie Tan, Joan Gan aka Mrs Chua, Daniel Chua, Ms Wendy Lee(sec sch music teacher) and her daughter, Kimberly. Took alot of picture with baby kimberly. She is clever and cute. We also took with Xinmin Secondary School's principal, Mdm Liew. Well, she is Shirley's idol. Mine didnt turn up, kinda sad. Lol. Below are some of us.

From left : SBK, Winnie, (Joan, Daniel)---> married couple. Mr and Mrs Chua.

With Shirley's idol Mdm Liew and her son.

This operation manager(Major Tan) here always call my nickname and he doesnt just call, HE SHOUT. He always call me Xiao Tong. And yesterday night, he did it again across the reception. Well, my another father in school. I always talk to him and he give good advice. One of the few that trust me and never look down on me.

This is bb Kimberly. Her smile is to show teeth to other people. All the pictures all like this. LOL, but she is cute.

Ok, 4 of us. Welcome Aston in joining SBK.

Well, my another papa in school. Wanted to hold his hand and take picture but I shy ah. Sorry guys, I like old man. LOL. He is not old ok, 33 years old, ok lah, elder than me 12 years nia. See how happy he is lah when he take picture with me. Thanks to Lishan who grab and pull him to take picture with me. Best teacher I could ever asked for. He is really best of the best. Ok, I admit that he is much better than Mrs Lim.
P.S: He look cute lar when he spike his hair. lol.

Lastly, the 3 of us really enjoy that evening and we talk to alot of ex-teachers which made the 3 of us missed OP more.
From left : SBK, Winnie, (Joan, Daniel)---> married couple. Mr and Mrs Chua.
With Shirley's idol Mdm Liew and her son.
This operation manager(Major Tan) here always call my nickname and he doesnt just call, HE SHOUT. He always call me Xiao Tong. And yesterday night, he did it again across the reception. Well, my another father in school. I always talk to him and he give good advice. One of the few that trust me and never look down on me.
This is bb Kimberly. Her smile is to show teeth to other people. All the pictures all like this. LOL, but she is cute.
Ok, 4 of us. Welcome Aston in joining SBK.
Well, my another papa in school. Wanted to hold his hand and take picture but I shy ah. Sorry guys, I like old man. LOL. He is not old ok, 33 years old, ok lah, elder than me 12 years nia. See how happy he is lah when he take picture with me. Thanks to Lishan who grab and pull him to take picture with me. Best teacher I could ever asked for. He is really best of the best. Ok, I admit that he is much better than Mrs Lim.
P.S: He look cute lar when he spike his hair. lol.
Lastly, the 3 of us really enjoy that evening and we talk to alot of ex-teachers which made the 3 of us missed OP more.