New style, new me, and serious me.

Well, meet Lishan at around 5pm at Raffles City. I told myself that I die die have to buy that long sleeve shirt that I have been thinking and dreaming for days and YES, I bought it at this shop name RAOUL. Hmm, I saw the shirt that I wanted and please dont ask me how much it cost ok cause I kinda regret liao. I always got this feeling when I buy something I like, at the end of the day, I will think again whether is it worth buying.. Taking out my POSB card is painful and its making my heart bleeding when they swipe it.

I hope the style that I want does suit me and I still got jeans and high heel havent buy yet. I still need to trim and rebond my fringe this coming friday.. Haha, all this is because of this coming Saturday. Wanna impress someone lah.. SBK u know lah, maybe that someone will turn up and you may never know.. lol.

Ok, tmr swimming and hopefully I can get my high heel tmr. See ya ppl..


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