Projects, School Work, Life!

Work related projects is never ending. My incoming calls is also always never ending. I had 10 missed calls from 8 different people, chasing me stuff which I really do not have time to do or response. At last, the project which me and Ros (my colleague) is looking and taking care of it finally run out. Of course, there are so so many different views on how the project should run but I am glad that Ros is thoughtful enough. Working with friends (I know Ros 5 years) is really fun. I can speak directly to what my ideas or thoughts are. Lets hope for the next 5 months, the project can run much more smoothly than expected. I am giving consultation now. Its fun to give consultation but then you still need to really provide good solutions. Of course, consultation are paid accordingly to how many toilets they want us to assess.

School life is fun when you have friends. I am glad I make a few friends which is all around my age. Hahaha, I stress alot on age hor, that is because it is the fact that when you talk to people that is around your age, you tend to mingle alot and topics discussed are common.

Oh LIFE............ My life is like... I got no time to get license, I got no time to travel (even if I have, my phone will still ring), I got not enough money. Sometimes I wish my life is much more simpler, easier, flexible. Anyway, I returned Cookie to the seller. Well, that is because Cookie has skin problem, and when I bring her to vet, the vet says she smell like fungus, where it seems serious to me lor. I am really left with no choice but to return Cookie. Its sad lah but then, come to think of it, the seller also damm black hearted. At least tell me before I buy her mah.

Oh, recently I spend time with the people I really miss, like my poly mentor, Ms Tan. Oh, she is still that funny. Miss her really lots. I spend time with my friend Gean, and of course she also spend time with me lah, she must be feeling blessed lah cos I spend time with her lor. Oh, talking about her, tell you guys one blardy shit thing, its really SHIT.

I meet Gean at Far East cos we wanted to meet in town area, and she wanted to eat Yi Mian, so the only place that is selling is Far East. Well, so after the dinner, I got a sudden craving for ice-cream. Then, this cute friend of mine, says that she wanna eat Ben's and Jerry. So if you guys know hor, the nearest is at The Cathay (mentioned by her). From Far East to The Cathay is really quite a distance apart. So while walking towards Cathay, one warm thing hit my hand and it creates quite a loud "piak" sound. When I look at my left hand, to my shockness, ITS BIRD SHIT. Omgosh! I still look damm calm and I was describing the feel to Gean. Lol, I can still remember the feel lor. Its warm and its like sizzling on my skin, it seems as if the shit is acidic. It doesnt have smell and you can really feel that the shit is warm. So both of us quickly walk towards the HMV and I go and wash it off.

Hahahaha, buy 4D the next day, but never strike leh. Hmm, its time to spend some money on KTV. I feel like singing!


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