Nice to have Weekend, Bad to have paper work at home

Ohhh, those who know me well, pls stand and applause for I bring the blardy checklist work home! My weekend is totally totally burnt! I got no one to blame but the blardy G**T! I think I wont be accepting nor agree to work a project with one of the govt agencies. Its freaky really tough, especially when the support you get is not enough.

Suddenly, I love to have school during Saturday. I just find myself been able to focus alot and understand what is going into my head. Today's lesson is abt LOVE. There are so so many things discussed. Tutor was asking me, where do I press my toothpaste and my reply to her is, just press and squeeze lor, but the fact is, I always squeeze in the middle. Hahaha. Then it happen that one of the irritating guy in class also squeezes in the middle, and at that moment, my tutor and teammates turn to look at me and of course, I give a face like, DUH, HE IS NOT MY TYPE. Hahaha, I need a boyfriend that squeezes the bottom of the toothpaste so that I can squeeze in the middle. If both squeezes the middle, then who is going to squeeze in the bottom? Hahahaha.

Well, I hope the workload of mine faster decreases then I wont need to face the report daily and stay back until late night. Oh, for your info, I mark 22nd September the "Most Hardworking Zhi Tong" Day. Hahaha, cos on that day, I stay in the office till 11.30pm. Those who know me knows that I dont really like to bring work back and I dont like to OT. Well, no choice and lesson learnt.

Hopefully the coming week will be a gd one for me cos I am going to have a meeting to discuss some useless points with useless ppl. Tata~


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