
Yes, I got Cookie! Not those Famous Amos Cookies, but my dog, COOKIE!! Hehehe, this name is given by my mother. Initially wanted to call her Biscuit cos her color looks like Biscuit, but then I dunno why, my mother decided to call her Cookie, and my dad pronounce it as Bookie. HAHAHAHAHA.

Bought her on Tuesday and she is only 2 months old. Her birthday is on 23rd June 2009, which is exactly the same date as my best friend. So coincident... Well, she is damm hyper cos she is still a puppy. Her pee/poo is just lying around everywhere around the house. Its really really quite tedious and tiring to take care of her but to be very frank, I think I have given patience to her liao, especially my mum. She is really cute, especially when she is asleep, but hor, her ears smell damm smelly.

Anyway, need some help here. Cookie has got some skin problems. Her breed is Cocker Spaniel. Those who are reading this entry, kindly if possible, tag my board and tell me how to cure or give comments. I am going to use dog crate on her soon so that I can control her pee/poo. Peeing and Pooping around is not a way to help her learn nor do I have the time to sit with her the whole day, just to teach her pee/poo. I tried today with my cane but instead of learning her lesson of not peeing or pooping around, she stares at me, and bite me.

I read from the net that Cocker Spaniel cannot be smack or harsh treatment. Instead, it should be a positive reinforcement. All owners of Cocker also said that to potty train her, crates is the only thing and the easiest way to train. Hmm, any comments? Share with you guys some of her pic.

Alright, if I got time I will take her pictures again. Meanwhile, you guys take care and I also need to take care COS I FAIL MY TMA 01 FOR PSYCHOLOGY. Damm!


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