Videos loaded!! and some other stuff

Well, no matter where we go, what we do, who we are, we are always involved in politics. Social politics, office politics, ideology politics, personality politics... You name it, each and everyone of it has politics. We always have different views and thinking towards certain things.

No one can be perfect in this world, so we shouldn't ask people to change and become the perfectionist we want but we can encourage, we can remind, we can tell, we can talk... There are many ways to it, but not to force the people to change.

I am now in the "cyclone" politics, where everything goes round and round. In real life cyclone, things that got suck up spin round and round INTERNALLY and each stuff that got sucked up tend to hit each other unknowingly. When things got sucked up, they have got no choice but to spin together with other stuff and there is no way that the things can get out UNLESS the cyclone are gone. Who created the cyclone? Nature right? But we have cyclone because of our HABITS, user habit, where we use alot of CFC stuff lah, we pollute the air, etc...

Hmm, I hope you guys can link it up with office politics. I am just simply like the "things". I got sucked up unknowingly and now, I am spinning inside the "cyclone" and things are hitting me. There are times where I seriously don't wanna get sucked in, I do not want to get involve. There are also times where the "user" (Boss) release too much "toxic" and thus cyclones are formed.

There are things that goes by nature and shouldn't be change. Right now, my manager is going against the nature by implementing some shit stuff. What I personally think is, understand certain things before implement, not to implement AND THEN understand. No point using force to ask someone to change. I think one should adapt to the environment, of course, not to the extend of closing both eyes. Perhaps close one eye is enough.

I dont think I can stay on, I dont think I can hold on, I dont think I can tolerate anymore (reaches my max!), I dont think I should give in anymore, I dont think I should keep quiet anymore.

I should talk it out, I should make it clear to all, I should start fighting, I should give up and continue my life in other places, I should be harsh and firm to everything.

Anyway, this is the fame! Hahaha, I dont care at all but seriously, I look fat. Take a look at the video.

Take care peeps.


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