I was at East Coast giving training to NParks but it ended early and my next meeting was at Central RO, 3pm. From 11.30am until 2pm, I did nothing but stare at the sea and people around me. I like this kinda life. I have time for myself, to think thoroughly what I want, what the hell am I doing now, why am I here, what leads me here, what am I suppose to do, how should I continue, etc..
I started thinking about my primary school life, which leads me to think about my secondary school life, and it leads me to think about those past (be it happiness or unhappiness stuff). I start to think about what am I doing now.
I believe some of you guys might have been through this kinda feeling before, where you think and think too much until sometimes you will ask yourself this question, "why am I here for? Who am I?" It will only last a few seconds and within that seconds, you will be back to reality.
Our life is something we do not have control. Maybe certain areas are under our control, but not all. So we always say "leave it to fate" which I think it is quite true. It depends on luck too.
I started thinking about what happened to me during this past years, what have I really do that can make my parents feel proud. I am starting to think whether did I really contribute to the society. Dont worry peeps, I am not going to suicide, but these are just some random thoughts that was running through my mind today when I was alone.
Had dinner with my abu today. I asked her some questions which I am damm lazy to type it down here. But after answering the questions that I posted to her, I realise something. She say :"Do something you like." Ok, although this sentence has been said so so so many times, but sometimes we need someone to re-enforce it into our brain.
We can only live once. No more other chances will be given to you if you missed it. I thank some of my friends who are been supportive towards my decision (be it anything), I am glad to have a good abu (president/boss) who I can talk too but she might find me irritating. LOL. I hope she is not... I love my friends, especially SBK.
I thank god for letting me to work in a good company, met a good boss, have friends whom can really understand me, have a supportive family (in certain areas) and thank god for letting me to have a tall good healthy body. Hahaha.
I guess after my thoughts today and talking to my abu plus some of my friends, I guess I really know what I want. Hopefully my decision leads me to somewhere.
Take care peeps.
I started thinking about my primary school life, which leads me to think about my secondary school life, and it leads me to think about those past (be it happiness or unhappiness stuff). I start to think about what am I doing now.
I believe some of you guys might have been through this kinda feeling before, where you think and think too much until sometimes you will ask yourself this question, "why am I here for? Who am I?" It will only last a few seconds and within that seconds, you will be back to reality.
Our life is something we do not have control. Maybe certain areas are under our control, but not all. So we always say "leave it to fate" which I think it is quite true. It depends on luck too.
I started thinking about what happened to me during this past years, what have I really do that can make my parents feel proud. I am starting to think whether did I really contribute to the society. Dont worry peeps, I am not going to suicide, but these are just some random thoughts that was running through my mind today when I was alone.
Had dinner with my abu today. I asked her some questions which I am damm lazy to type it down here. But after answering the questions that I posted to her, I realise something. She say :"Do something you like." Ok, although this sentence has been said so so so many times, but sometimes we need someone to re-enforce it into our brain.
We can only live once. No more other chances will be given to you if you missed it. I thank some of my friends who are been supportive towards my decision (be it anything), I am glad to have a good abu (president/boss) who I can talk too but she might find me irritating. LOL. I hope she is not... I love my friends, especially SBK.
I thank god for letting me to work in a good company, met a good boss, have friends whom can really understand me, have a supportive family (in certain areas) and thank god for letting me to have a tall good healthy body. Hahaha.
I guess after my thoughts today and talking to my abu plus some of my friends, I guess I really know what I want. Hopefully my decision leads me to somewhere.
Take care peeps.