I got myself an Abu!!

Well, this month is gonna be REALLY REALLY REALLY busy for me. SPC toilet check is coming up, I need to plan the route. Giving training, talks, assembly/workshop...

Meet up with Joey and Xiaowei last Sunday for our cycling session and I am all burnt now. As you guys know, these few days has been a heavy raining season but I told Joey, if she were to go out with me, IT WILL NEVER RAIN. True enough, the sun was in "good working condition", heating and burning us up.. Hahaha. See pictures below..

I really love spending time with them, where the 3 of us are really truly relaxed and enjoy each companion.

Well, so thats what I did last Sunday. Oh, just to share with you all. I work last Saturday. TAN ZHI TONG WORKED LAST SATURDAY UNTIL 5PM. Hahaha, cannot believe it right? I also cant believe that I am so hardworking enough to work OT. Got no choice, have to do it.

So Sunday, after cycling session, off I went with Joey to AMK and eat dinner plus to collect the caricature drawing. I hired someone to draw a caricature for my Abu (Auntie aka president). I message her and read below..

Me: Auntie, are you going to be in office tmr?

Abu: Yes

Me: Ok see you tmr. Dont cry tmr ok once you receive it. Will see you at around 10am or 11am. Need to hand you something.

Abu: What is it? I have back to back meeting from 9 all the way to 5. Can email me pls

Me: This thing cannot use email. Will hand in personally to you by me. Shld be this way.

Abu: K, pls come before 11am

So the above is the message conversation we had.. Sounds as if I am gonna quit right? Lol..

Monday comes!!! I took the drawing and knock at her office door. She answered and the moment she saw me, she say:" WHAT IS IT? I AM BUSY!" Wah, she give me a kinda face and reaction like I am disturbing her. So my next reaction was:" AUNTIE!!! This is what I wanna give u!!" Wah, she smile and laugh until face red... LOL, cos the drawing is really just like her.
See below for evidence. LOL.

Looks like her or not?? HAHAHAHHAHAHA, damm funny. If you guys take a closer look, the colors we have are blue and white. It is simply because our logo are in blue and white. I request to draw her in wonderwoman's body, waving the flag because she is really kinda like our RAS saviour. I also request for the wonderwoman's clothes and shoes to be in blue and white. See the stars on the right? I also request to have 100 stars draw on it because she wanted 100 stars. Hahahaha.. Its kinda long and troublesome to explain the stars story, but then.. It was really nice lah!! LOL.
She is now my new Abu!!! Thats what Joey teach me. Hehehehe.
Alright, take care peeps. Dont miss me too much ok. Tata~


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