Shocking news!!

As I mention before, I will be damm busy during this month (Feb). So many appointments. I really seriously cannot understand why schools want to have assembly/workshop in Feb and I need to squeeze the time out to do all these. I still have to check the toilets outside. I need to attend meetings with HDB and NEA. I suddenly become a member for school canteen committee by NEA. And out of a sudden, Discovery Channel is gonna film and interview me in their new timeslot show.

That Discovery Channel was a little bit shocking to me because I never thought that my job could bring me up into TV. Hahaha.. I am feeling a little bit stress out now because I have got the questions they gonna ask me during the interviewing process. Hmm, I guess this time I must really think before I speaks.

Oh, another shocking news to share with you guys. I reached office at 8.45am on Wednesday!! Actually I am always late for work, but because my boss wanna eat breakfast so I packet for her and me then we had breakfast together in office. My cute boss message me 7.30am SHARP, asking me to wake up and reminding me that I need to buy her breakfast and she is waiting for it to arrive. Cute boss I have right. She knew that I am always late for work but then she do it in a nicer way lah. Ok lah, I will try not to be late ok.

I did something that you guys might find it silly. I knew that my boss's birthday is in this month, but I do not know the exact date. The only way not to miss out her birthday is to wish her Happy Birthday EVERYDAY. So, I really did it and message her everyday with different ways of wishing her. Hahaha.. Perhaps once her present is ready, I will snap a picture of her present and post it here to share with you guys cos that present is my idea. LOL. Of course shared among the staff, but the theme is damm cute!

So tired.. Seriously, I am damm tired.. I told my boss that I am going to take degree soon. So naturally, she ask me if I am quitting, I told her I am not sure leh, depends on my degree. Actually hor, I FEEL LIKE QUITTING after I get into the degree course lah, because unisim criteria is different from normal uni. Should I?

Anyway, take care peeps. Happy V Day to all!!


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