Have the sudden urge in wanting to write an entry with my new nuphy60 keyboard. It just makes you feel so damn clever when typing away. The tik tik tiak tiak sound from the keys truly makes you look more clever. Just looks... Well, I have completed one travel with my friend and went Sydney, drove up to Brisbane. We did stopovers at Port Stephen, Port Macquarie, Coff Harbour, Byron Bay, Gold Coast and then to fly out in Brisbane. The whole trip took us about 12 days. For those who chanced upon this blog, I would suggest to only drive when you are travelling out of Sydney. The parking and tolls are insanely expensive than our carparks (exclude MBS lah hor) and ERP. Got another upcoming trip and it would be my last trip. Why is it a last trip? Well, I have been accepted (verbally only, waiting for the black and white) to study Masters in Social Work with SUSS. School is gonna start in July 2024 and honestly, I doubt I will have the time to go for long distance travels. Its gonn...
I set up a twitter account all thanks to Joey Ang. She asked me a few times in setting up a tweet account because I had the data plan. Oh guys, I have bought Samsung Galaxy S. Seriously, its like a duplicate of Iphone. Those who have seen my phone before totally agree to it. The best part is, the packaging is also very iphone"y" packed. I am starting to like Andriod system (although I would still prefer Windows Mobile). Friday had a small meeting in CCK ITE. Its after months since I had meetings. I miss having meetings, debating, talking and discussing, share points and views and many more. Meetings had our minds keep thinking about solutions. The one I had on Friday wasnt a good one at all. I am not a professional or what, but there are rules in meeting. I just feel that the meeting is redundant, useless. I had to be restricted because of the rank I am having now. I hate the fact that people can only voice out when you have higher ranks. I hate the fact that no matter how cr...
We are in the month of June 2015 now. Can anyone tell me the speed that the time is travelling now? These 6 months has been good, near to great though. This year is a year where we will remember greatly due to the passing of Mr. LKY. This is also another year where SG celebrate its 50. Its gonna be a emotional national day. Went Tioman in April and take a short break. My break frequency has increased tremendously. The upcoming trips that I am going to go will be Ho Chi Min in August and then Perth in October. Looking into Myanmar in November. Work wise remains the same. Had a little change in portfolio. I am no longer taking OPC but rather doing referrals now. Our dept still short of MSW though and am currently taking one ward and other half of the other ward. I must say, I still love this job despite at times been reprimanded by family members who are unreasonable. I was told to be in the planning committee for this year upcoming D&D. Hopefully the whole organisation would l...