Funny Incident!!

Well, as usual, I end my work early yesterday and feeling bored, I got a sudden urge of going to KTV and so I called those who are free. Well, Joey dont wanna go then as I was about to just go home, I call Zann and to my surprise, she said YES. Hahaha, and so, something stoopid happened. We thought that Lot 1 still has the K-box but then when I TOOK A CAB DOWN FROM WOODLANDS TO CHUA CHU KANG, THE K-BOX WAS NO LONGER THERE... So meet up with Zann AND WE TAKE A CAB FROM LOT 1 TO WOODLANDS CIVIC CENTER. Damm stoopid act for me lah...

Ok, so reach Party World, we got abit high and while registering for a room to sing, THE RECEPTIONIST ASK US TO SHOW HER STUDENT PASS!!! LOL, friends, no joke, SHE ASK FOR STUDENT PASS, SHE NV ASK THE QUESTION OF "ARE YOU A STUDENT?". SHE THOUGHT WE ARE STUDENT!! Pls ask Zann if you all dont believe. To make it looks as if we are student, we talked about Final Year Project. LOL!!!! Sibei fake lah, and off we went into the room and start singing non-stop!!

Now comes to my work... I seriously think that I am super duper good with those aunties and uncles. You guys know what? I had a corporate talk today at some company in Harbourfront. So after the talk, I forget to take my thumbdrive and it was only until when I reach office, I didnt manage to find it and then I realise it was at their office. I got damm panic lah cos tmr I got a school talk and all my slides are inside the thumbdrive.. I quickly called this in-charge and to my surprise, SHE SAID THAT SHE WILL DRIVE DOWN AND PASS IT TO ME. OMG.... damm nice auntie leh... Perhaps I can give 5 stars to their location ah.. LOL, joking lah.. I am professional ok..

Anyway, uncles and aunties are really nice. I like to talk to them alot alot. Oh, and I apply for a job position in Social Work Assistant, hope I can get that position cos the working place is at Admiratly and I am seriously interested in this area. Hmm, I SENSE GOOD NEWS IS COMING!!

Hahaha, anyway, take care peeps.. I am so tired.. So many talks, so many planning, so many PRs, so many workshop... I think I am giving up soon...


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