Totally stuck in the middle

Yeah, stuck in the middle.. I just feel that I am that piece of meat and there a so many bread that wanna come up to me and "kiap" me in the middle. Its all the political issues again. Sick and tired of been fake and entertaining.

Something is wrong with my left eyes and if I am not wrong, I guess I am going to have "bak chiam" soon. Hahaha, those who know hokkien will know what I am talking about.

Well, congrats to one of my BEST FRIEND (you know who you are) for having her own house! Serious, I know it has been a tough path for you but you pulled thru. If you need help, I am just a call away. When I say help, I DO NOT MEAN PAINTING OF THE HOUSE OK. Hahaha. Maybe you might need help in clearing the food, I am more than happy to help that out. Haha.

Anyway, was reading some of my secondary school friend's blog. Some are married and pregnant, some already have kids at my age. I just cannot imagine myself being a mother. Even at this age now, I can't think or imagine about it. The thought of getting married scares me off, not even to talk about having a baby. Maybe I have a different kind of way in viewing a life. Maybe its time that I should plan the things I wanna do in my life.

Should I take up degree in Pyschology or Human Resource? Stuck liao... But anyway, I hate studying but still have to study no matter what.

When will the politics go off? Super sian...


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