I got my Poddie on Thursday with Shirley. Well, she is indeed my best friend cos she freaking know that she can physco me easily by telling me certain product is good. Darn, but still, thank god my mind and heart is strong enough to withstand all the things she said and at last, I BOUGHT MY IPOD CLASSIC 80GB! Hahaha, loving it to the max. Initially I tht it will be difficult to use because I have to install itunes and sync with it. After exploring, I find out that it is super easy to use lah. The best thing is, sometimes we have videos in YouTube that you want to d/l and watch, I am glad that I found the downloader which can d/l and convert the files into .mov in order to put it in my Poddie. I even found a new and free converter. So nice lor. Trying to d/l and stuff more videos inside my Poddie. Hehhehe, oh, Poddie is in black color.

Weekdays wasnt that great because of some family problems. I guess this time I make it big. Nvm, I am already numb.

Focusing on my Samsung Omnia. Will buy you next month, wait for me ok. Hahaha. Tomorrow I am going to my brother's school to give assembly talk. Kinda weird but try to bring it over as fast as possible lah. Hahahaha.



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