Its over...

At last, I am having some peace now. Only some, but there are more troubles to come in the future because of my uncle. His wives... I just do not know how should I put it. If I typed all out, it will be so lengthy and I think I can write a story about his life. No, maybe my life too. To encourage people how to pull through. I can really write a thick book about it man.

Weekend is finally here and I seriously need some rest. More to come to "visit" that place soon. All I hope is, everything just end as fast as possible.

Oh, I think I am in love with Subway cos their sandwich is really... WOOHOO.

One of my colleague quitted and leave. Now, the office left 7 (inclusive of president). I guess there are more to leave this place. Am I one of them? I hope so lah, who do not want to leave a place where it just left 3 to 5 people. It may just close down anytime. I have got 2 months without CPF top up already and I hope the company can just faster clear the accounts and let me work in peace.

Friends, should I buy Samsung Omnia or Iphone? Please give some suggestion because I seriously think I should change my phone. Its time to change him away. Hahaha, my current's phone name is Janson. Hehehe.


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