Oh, have been blogging for the past few days and I forget to put this freaking important thing. LET ME OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCE, MY MAID WENT BACK TO INDONESIA LIAO. So now, all the housework, actually not all lah, just vacuuming of floor, mopping toilet, ironing whole family's clothes nia. Hahaha.

And and and, TODAY, FOR THE FIRST TIME, I CALLED THE CUSTOMER to ask if they are interested in Starhub's other packages. Omg, I really mutter and blabber alot and when I hang up, I really dunno what the hell did I just speak.

Anyway, able to handle smoothly and I really starting to like this job alot. Maybe because of the friendly people I meet there, especially my team leader.. Hahah, he is so funny lar.

I really need to sleep for one whole day. Tuesday gonna meet Lena they all. Cant wait sia. SISTERS, WAIT FOR ME, I WILL JOIN U ALL FOR SURE THIS TIME!. hhahahha, Lena sis, my hubby is so handsome. He is now at my ceiling. LOL. Lets rock and roll again with that "Hairspray" cd. It makes me high!

Thurs sushi with ber!!! Eh, char bor, I haven get pay lah, so hor, buay sai treat liao. Lol. But you dun mind rite, ahhaah, if u mind hor, SHIT U LAR!

One more week before sch starts. I wanna earn until I lao sai. hahaha. tata people.


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