New Class!!!
Yes, as stated, the blardy class list is out. Well, not very happy about it lar because I didn't landed in the same class with my sisters. But overall, I see familiar names in my 4 classes. Hai, another sad thing is, I didn't get my six sigma class. So, my classes for next semester will be Marcoecons, Business Finance, Business Process Modelling and Human Resource.
See below.. Hahah, do you all know anyone of them?? Just tag me and please tell them to be nice to me as I am cute.. Handle with care you know.. (Sometimes I just think I am really BHB)

Haha, see that zannie there, same class with her for econs nia. So sad.. Ang Min Min, that one I no need to say, just one thing, SIBEI FUCKING SUAY. Another Seah WanLin.. hahaha, she hor, same class with me during Year 2 Sem 2. So ok lah. Overall, I only know 3 person in this class.
Anyway, going to work later. Kinda tired lar but no choice. Go go go!!! See ya people, and MAG, I UPDATE THE CLASS LIST FIRST LO. U SLOWPOKE! hahaha
See below.. Hahah, do you all know anyone of them?? Just tag me and please tell them to be nice to me as I am cute.. Handle with care you know.. (Sometimes I just think I am really BHB)
Haha, see that zannie there, same class with her for econs nia. So sad.. Ang Min Min, that one I no need to say, just one thing, SIBEI FUCKING SUAY. Another Seah WanLin.. hahaha, she hor, same class with me during Year 2 Sem 2. So ok lah. Overall, I only know 3 person in this class.
Anyway, going to work later. Kinda tired lar but no choice. Go go go!!! See ya people, and MAG, I UPDATE THE CLASS LIST FIRST LO. U SLOWPOKE! hahaha