Its weekend!

Yeah, weekend come, at last, I can rest and sleep until I happy. Was kinda lazy to go work this morning so I went to the kidsread program instead of going to work. Well, I need to think of a reason to tell them that I cannot work this weekend. Can anyone help me with the reasons? Just tagged me with it ok.

The kids today are so cute. Zul was teaching them some basic things like boy, girl, animals and all lah. So this boy right, Zul was testing him like, if she is a girl, then u are?? The boy answered "girl". Haha, we laugh until really cannot stop. You must see the reaction on how he answer and how he look at us. Super funny lar.

Tmr is zoo day with SBK. At last, I blog something about them. Haha, its zoo! Well, not excited lar but I just want to visit the animals again.

My mum just discuss with me about university and what am I looking out for now. I tell her, I dont know. Having this discussion is good because its not too late and not too early. Its the right timing as now is already near October. In a few months time, I am graduating and I can only choose 2 paths, either work or study. Of course, the current GPA that I am having now will NOT bring me to uni like NUS or NTU, the only choices I got is to go private uni. Maybe SIM dont even want me. I have got bad GPA. If I choose to work, of course the main factor is money. Well, money is an issue but we can always borrow from banks.

I just hope the new uni open up fast and so we can have more choices of what we want to do. Kinda irritated by all this now. Anyway, I just want a smoothing life where there isnt any ups and downs for me. I had enough of ups and downs from this family. Tired of getting it again.

Tata people. Take care and see you all soon when school reopen.


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