Family outing!!

Yes, I think it has been such a long time without this kind of outing. Thanks Lishan for lending me her camera and I am able to take alot of shots which I think they are so precious. Its the moment that we hang out with this relative from China. Well, she is my grandpa's younger sister (mum side). Remember I went to Hainan Island before? Yeah, she is from there and she is not as greedy as those at there.

Today, thanks to my cousin, she booked 2 table for this outing at Turf City, in this restuarant name Owen Restuarant. Well, I dont know if this is real or what, but one of my cousin said that this restuarant is sure related to Liverpool simply because of the same logo they are using for the restuarant. Kinda lame right but I think its fake lah. The food was okay-okay. I think all of us only like one of their dishes, and that is soup with sharkfin. Haha, not because of the shark fin, but its the taste of the soup. Very nice...

Overall, a great outing with the family.

I love you all!

But but but but but but but but but but..........................

We all love her the most.

Tata guys, take care.


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