Competition, Badminton, Sushi, Supper, Working, Chalet and PP!
Yes, the above title is also in my MSN nick. Hahaha, well... Sad to say, I blardy get into the fking Consumer Psychology's Asiasoft competition. Its kinda lame lah that my team are able to get in. Well, it all depends on my teammates if they want to continue the competition. My fac, Janine, actually doesnt allow us to withdraw from the competition. Hai~ All I know is, if I go ahead, I will really die. Its hard to describe here but the work is tedious.
The competiton is on this Wednesday. After that, I will have badminton session with my class and my long lost brudder.. hahaha, U-KNOW-WHO. hahaha. After that, meet mabel for sushi from ard 4 plus to 6. Gonna have supper on Sunday night and I FOUND A JOB! Well, not really found, but high possibility that I will work because I send in alot of resume. Wanna save some money for my H.K trip.
Lastly, my blardy PP. Wah lao eh... Haven finish..
Anyway, take care people. I love the new batch of friends now. Really do... Thanks Lena, Mag, Zann, Joanna, Bryan, Kelis, Alvin, Michelle, Chloe, Marianah and whoever I didnt enter here, you all are a bunch of great friends that I do not want to lose. Haha, touched?? Yeah right??

Fun photo-taking session. AT LAST, holiday is here. tata~
The competiton is on this Wednesday. After that, I will have badminton session with my class and my long lost brudder.. hahaha, U-KNOW-WHO. hahaha. After that, meet mabel for sushi from ard 4 plus to 6. Gonna have supper on Sunday night and I FOUND A JOB! Well, not really found, but high possibility that I will work because I send in alot of resume. Wanna save some money for my H.K trip.
Lastly, my blardy PP. Wah lao eh... Haven finish..
Anyway, take care people. I love the new batch of friends now. Really do... Thanks Lena, Mag, Zann, Joanna, Bryan, Kelis, Alvin, Michelle, Chloe, Marianah and whoever I didnt enter here, you all are a bunch of great friends that I do not want to lose. Haha, touched?? Yeah right??
Fun photo-taking session. AT LAST, holiday is here. tata~