Another boring Saturday.

I think what I will do during my free time, is only to go online and youtubing, MSN, read yahoo news, find some disgusting pictures (not porn ok) and to watch my DVDs that I have bought during my last trip to Shanghai. Haha, thats like 8 months ago man and I havent finish watching all those DVDs.

Maybe I should do something to fill up my time when I am free, LIKE NOW?!!

Yesterday, my fac set a very interesting questions. This is her question.

Who is your "idol". Why?

Well, those who know me extremely well will know whose name I put. Hahah, YES, ITS THAT NAME!! While writing the RJ, so many memories came back to my mind... Sorry lah people, I am a person where I will think alot, especially about those past. I can think and think whole night without sleeping.

Some of you all may know that I actually got hospitalised last year due to the suspect of appendix. Damm, the pain was back yesterday. The moment I walk, the pain is there. I should have just go on with the operation and cut off my appendix. Luckily the pain is still bearable if not I will have to admit to hospital again.

Alright people, take care and hope to see you all soon. Anyone wanna watch fireworks with me on the 17 August?? Ask me ok..hhaha. tata~


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