Yoz people!!!

Yup, blogging at Hainan Island, Qiong Hai. I am here becos of my mum as well as she want me to see how they live. Well, its indeed "kampong" style. Roads are muddy, sandy, uneven, bumpy, cold, torn down... Everything i saw look like 80s in Singapore. Well, I must say, I am happy at least they got a shop that provide service for those who want to use internet. Its known as Wang Ba.

I am proud that I am a chinese simply becos the computers here all are chinese. And even this bloging system here, it appear all in chinese. Not a single English word I can see here, except the keyboard. The people here speak Hainanese to me which I dont understand a single word at all. People looking at me weirdly. I speak to my mum in English and Hokkien when I wanna talk bad abt them. Lol.. hahahaah, the weather here is cold too..

Suddenly, I miss Singapore so much. I dont even miss Singapore so much when I was in Shanghai last December.

Oh, talking abt the budget airline. Simply sucks when it comes to their service. I complained. But I must say, their landing are so puuurfect that I dont even know the plane has already landed. Bad thing that happened so far since yesterday is that my mum got stung by a bee. Not a normal bee, but its bee kind lah. Her hand shake furiously after the bee stung her few minutes later. Became swollen and kinda worried for her cos the doctors here are...(u ppl know)

Anyway, I am bored now. Anyone, can u entertain me now?? Thanks Gean for that so sweet, so nice, so caring testimonial. Eh SBK, learn from her ok. neh sia, not a single person msg or drop testi.

Ok ppl, take great care and hope to see u all soon.


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