Memories to reminisce..

Chatting with Lishan now and the topic we are talking about are our sec sch lives. I think we started this topic is because of Yun Jie and Shi Min. Well, Yun Jie is now working as a PE teacher in OPSS and I was telling Shi Min how crazy I was over a teacher when I was in sec sch.

What we chat... Well, I remembered how Mrs Lim shouted my name over the teacher's office simply because I never hand up my composition. I still remember her asking Ms Winnie Tan if I was at her desk. Mrs Lim said:"Winnie, if zhitong is there, kindly ask her to go home and do revision instead of staying back in school." Then suddenly, she shouted my name and ask me to hand up the composition book to her.

During the SARS period, I remember SBK always uses the back gate to get into school simply because the back gate is the nearest to our class. Mr Mattew Tan is always the one on duty, sitting on the steps and check if we bring our thermometer and temperature book. Instead of checking these things, he check on my D&T folio, to see if I have been doing his work and in fact, I never touch it at all, nor did I bring the folio to school. Hahah, he always got very angry because of me. During D&T class, I always slack and play with Azhar, Ashriq and Kharil. They always catch a lizard and throw it on Shalehin's body. They even cut the lizard up...

My class was 5B2 while Shirley and Lishan's class was 5B1. Well, we are just next door apart and when recess bell ring, both of them will walk pass my cls and we lip read. They always ask me what I wanna eat and I will say it out by using lip. Mrs Lim always caught us de. She always say:"Zhitong, stop looking outside and dont talk to your friends." Wah, everytime kena lo.

One thing that I remember clearly is there was once, I forget to bring Vocab book, Mrs Lim chase me out of the class with my school bags full of books. She ask me to hold my bag on top of my head. Well, I do it lah, but with the class window close. But then, she will always walk up to me and open the window. Its so embarassing lah.

Well, its indeed memories... I never once regret choosing OPSS as my school, never once regret about my results. I think the only thing I regret is that I never let Mrs Lim understand me well enough and all I show her about me are all bad examples.

Overall, I miss my sec sch life.


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