
Alright, tell you all something real funny.

Well, was suppose to meet Shimin today at Orchard but my dad ask me out for awhile so I cancel off and then I meet Lishan at around 415pm at Woodlands. We meet up simply because we wanna go swimming. So i quickly gear up, wearing that swimming costume inside and intend to just take off my clothes once I reach there. Ok, so thanks to the weather, I think SBK seriously got cursed because ever since during secondary school day, when we mention the word "SWIMMING", the sky will turn dark and seriously, it will rain.

But then, this doesn't stop me and Lishan from cancelling our swimming because we die die wanna get into the water. So after the heavy rain become drizzle, we walk towards Woodlands Swimming Pool BUT THEN halfway to there, it rain again so we hide under the MRT track and wait. So after awhile, it become drizzle again, we continue to walk towards our "GOAL". Halfway to the pool, THE PLACE WAS UNDER RENOVATION SINCE LAST YEAR DECEMBER 6 AND WILL ONLY BE FINISH ON JULY. When me and Lishan saw this, we laugh our ass off and start walking towards Marsiling MRT station.

After that, we took a bus to Causeway, when I look at my watch, it was already 6pm. We have been roaming around since 4.30pm until 6pm, walking from Woodlands Station to Marsiling Station. Just dammit right???

Ok, so both of us decided to just shop around in Causeway point and I SAW MY PUMA BAG. Without thinking twice, I bought it. LOL. I really bought the bag although I am fucking broke now. Now, I don't know how to tell my dad... Haha..

Ok, overall, today is a shit day for me. Take care everyone.


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