New colleague, new energy!

If you guys knows me well enough, you all will totally agree that I am truly friendly and love making new friends. I love been in an always-changing-working-environment to spice my working life alittle. I never like dull and boring jobs, especially adminstrative. But wells, the more I try to avoid this, the more its coming to me, so now my attitude is ACCEPT IT WITH GRACE AND HUG IT LIKE THERE IS NO TOMORROW. I dont have choice lah so just take it lor. Anyways, I seriously like having new staff around. It simply create a new environment with new blood (this means the colleagues), able to have a good stir to the exisiting staff in terms of thinking and ideas. I guess RP has really taught me well enough to work in teams. I seriously appreciate whatever RP has taught me except for some of the modules lah, learn liao also no use that kind.

The two new staff are ladies, young ladies. Looking at them, just graduated, first job, does makes me think about myself when I was new to the working society and had some struggles while trying to blend in. I swear this feelings is not nice at all. Thus, what I do with new staff, I would say friend, is to really talk to them not about work lah, but what they do, why are they here, was it fun?, were there any choices beside joining this organisation, etc etc. I mean, I have been in a working environment, when I was new, no one guided me at all. I hate it! That moment, I think to myself, why are there people who are selfish or so shy enough to not dare to do the introduction or prolly, at least show me where the pantry is, where the toilet is, and assure me that it is SAFE and OK to use. I know how newbies will think, not all, but majority. Thus, I seriously hate the fact that no existing staff will take initiative to introduce them to the workplace. I remembered when I first came to my current workplace, there are only really a few people working. I remembered clearly a guy who shall not be name, was sitting at his desk, doing his work, never really bother to talk to me or maybe, introduce me. After working in my current org for at least 1.5 years, it seems to me that he is not shy at nature, but was maybe shy to me because I am new and probably worried that there is no conversation to continue on.

I am not saying I am a pro lah, but to me, letting people feeling comfortable is really important. To let them feel comfy in the environment they are in does make a difference. They will not feel tense up and make them feel at ease. This will allow them to approach us without feeling stress when they need some form of help.

In a workplace, TEAM plays a big part of it. No one, or never it will be just a person running the company alone. To learn and be a teamplayer is really important. To learn to give and take is also important. To learn and listen to what is constructive and helpful comments to you are also important. To learn to use your own eyes to see, your own ears to listen and your mouth to say useful stuff are important too.

In a workplace, never to create rumours, never to backstab others, never to have the "winning" heart, never to "step" on others for promotion or any form of increment, never to sabo people in a group.

Not everyone is saint and I do agree that gossips and rumours are part of a culture in a workplace but if every one of us plays a part, I guess we can stop all these, and work in an environment where we share views openly, work more efficient and prolly can concentrate better.

Up till today, there are certain things in working life that I truly do not understand why does it need to happen that way.

I hope, with the current new colleagues, we can create a fun, exciting workplace! Seriously, looking forward to work liao cos they are a bunch of nice people.. really nice!


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